Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Pressure Gradient

I feel like every @$%*ing scene has to be done twice. There's always one little mistake that can't be ignored after the computer takes 1-20 hours rendering a scene. Even with my new faster Mac, it can still take 20 hours to render a scene. I think it's because I started getting more greedy and complex with the scenes. It's the pressure gradient theory. This theory, actually, it's a law. A law means a theory is so right, it's no longer a a theory. This law says that matter always flows into an empty space because it likes to spread out. Sort the reason for suburban sprawl. Anyway it seems the more memory and speed you get on your computer, the more crazy and complex your uses get until you get right back to where you started.

I can see at this rate, I'm going to need a 1000 ziggaflop computer.

Here are so new scenes which literally make the first episode look like crap.

The hallway scene took an entire week because I kept finding mistakes after 10 hours of rendering.

This scene nearly killed me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

She Beast

The more I work on the second episode the more I get angry that I now have the skills to do better versions of stuff I did in episode 1. Even simple stuff like lighting can make all the difference in the world between something that looks 3D and something that's just a notch above a 2d cartoon.

It's tough trying to work on this thing, go to school and take care of a family all at once. My wife basically hates the project and calls my computer my mistress. I would never call my computer my mistress. I prefer the term significant time consuming addictive she beast.
Heres another shot of the UN building.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What do I do with Episode 1?

Episode 1 of the movie was finished a long time ago. I'm actually working on episode 2. I really don't know what to do with it. I don't own the rights to the music I used in the movie so I can't sell it. What I really want is to show it to someone who can make it into a real episode movie or computer graphics production.
I'm thinking of posting it free on Atom Films but I'm afraid someone will come after me . It's not like I have a lawyer to fight off any lawsuits. Then again, it's not like I'm selling it.

Here's a shot of a shuttle and the U.N. building from episode 2.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Does this @%*! blog work?

Have tried many times and many browsers to post some pictures from my movie on this site. Why does Blogger hate my browser so. Oh well, let's try again, see anything?

Yes? Woo-hoo!

Oh, good. Okay. What you are looking at is my new logo for Rabbit Studios C.G.I., I designed. An early experiment in Blender, the worlds greatest 3D program (for free). I did 90% of the work in it. The rest was : PhotoShop, Illustrator, MS Word, Sound Edit 16, Adobe Premire and iLife.