Thursday, June 28, 2007

What do I do with Episode 1?

Episode 1 of the movie was finished a long time ago. I'm actually working on episode 2. I really don't know what to do with it. I don't own the rights to the music I used in the movie so I can't sell it. What I really want is to show it to someone who can make it into a real episode movie or computer graphics production.
I'm thinking of posting it free on Atom Films but I'm afraid someone will come after me . It's not like I have a lawyer to fight off any lawsuits. Then again, it's not like I'm selling it.

Here's a shot of a shuttle and the U.N. building from episode 2.


Gledwood said...

Wow this is fascinating stuff!
Be careful of the movie business.
My former housemate got the "lead female role" in a Brit flick. Turned out they hadn't even got financing when they offered this to her!
Take a share of gross always and not net. That is the big rule in Hollywood. All the best
come read my entertaining blog...

vol 2

Bam-Bam said...

Nice! I can see yer photos fine. Yeah, I think atom films is a great idea just to get it out there and viewed. Who knows, might turn into something.