Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Pressure Gradient

I feel like every @$%*ing scene has to be done twice. There's always one little mistake that can't be ignored after the computer takes 1-20 hours rendering a scene. Even with my new faster Mac, it can still take 20 hours to render a scene. I think it's because I started getting more greedy and complex with the scenes. It's the pressure gradient theory. This theory, actually, it's a law. A law means a theory is so right, it's no longer a a theory. This law says that matter always flows into an empty space because it likes to spread out. Sort the reason for suburban sprawl. Anyway it seems the more memory and speed you get on your computer, the more crazy and complex your uses get until you get right back to where you started.

I can see at this rate, I'm going to need a 1000 ziggaflop computer.

Here are so new scenes which literally make the first episode look like crap.

The hallway scene took an entire week because I kept finding mistakes after 10 hours of rendering.

This scene nearly killed me!

1 comment:

Bam-Bam said...

It looks wonderful. Keep it up!