Saturday, January 15, 2011

People are Hard, Robots are Easy

Dragging my ass on getting started again after the long Christmas holiday break-thing. I really wish I had a powerful laptop and then I could work on the film while on vacation. Then again, I guess that's why we go on vacations, to not work. I recently watched the second film and realized how much better it was than the first and then I watched what I've done so far on the third and realized that I'm accomplishing the goal. The second film had better action scenes but the character animation was still a little weak so I wanted to really focus on the character animation because I knew that making action scenes was actually kind of easy now. After all, animating a space ship or robot is 10 times easier than animating someone picking up something or worst, walking. I really dread the people scenes because you can fake a space ship flying but everyone knows what a person walking looks like.

Whelp, hopefully I can hit the drawing board soon and have this done before Spring.