Sunday, July 18, 2010

Back on the horse

Trying once again to get Episode III on a good schedule. So many delays: Weddings, kids, stupid-ass job sucking all of my energy. I think I am officially 2-3 months behind schedule which means I have to start doing some over-nighters on the weekend. Another major set-back was the new Blender upgrade. Although the program had a lot more bells and whistles than the old Blender. All of the benefits were outweighed by the fact that it kept crashing during the rendering process. That's the equivalent of you writing a 100 page book report and your computer crashes right before you were able to save it. This alone, put me behind for over 2 weeks as I tried to render a simple city-scape fly-over. I've officially gone back to the old version of Blender and will stick to it until they work out the bugs.

Whelp, off to work I go